The mouse speed is very high by default, and mouselook is turned on by default as well, o if you find yourself staring at the ground or sky often, turn down mouse sensitivity and consider turning Mouse Look off in Mouse settings. Analog control with controller is also an option, and while it’s okay, the camera being almost fully manuel means you won’t get the speed and fluidity that the game is built for, so I’d never recommend it unless you absolutely can’t wrap your head around the mouse and keyboard controls that the game was built around. I use m1 and m2 for jumping and rolling, but any keys that can be easily reached work. Most veteran players feel the controls to be best with WASD for moving and strafing and mouse for moving camera and changing directions. You or anyone else in this thread can use what I’m gonna say next to take your SRB2 experience to the next level. SRB2 is my favorite 3D Sonic game, hands down. Feels like I am playing the Sonic game Saturn deserved to have. Just downloaded and beat this game today.